5 steps to take in order to get Google absence approval in less than a week as a Nigerian

Am sharing the 5 steps to take in order to get Google absence
approval on less than a week as a Nigerian.
Adsense is a Google advertising programme that has helped a
of bloggers worldwide (including me). I have not earned a lot
from adsense like others, but I have seen nothing less than
thousand naira every month from the program (evidence in the
screen shots below). That's why I want to share what I know
to you.

This is how to get adsense account fast.
If you do not have adsense account, follow these steps (or
they will not approve you).
The faster way (not recommended)
(1) Signup and create account in youtube.com
(2) Use your phone and capture a video
(3) Upload the video to youtube
(4) Monetize the video
They will approve a (hosted) adsense account for you. You
only be able to show ads on Google partner websites like
blogspot, hubpages, youtube etc.
The Best Way (Recommended)
(1) Create a blog (Fully Self Hosted blog) on Wordpress or
Blogger (with your custom domain)
(2) Publish about 30-50 original articles with at least 400-600
words each (Don't use any image unless you own or created
(3) make sure you have the following on your blog: Privacy
policy page, about me page, search, categories, tags, archives,
menu, popular post.
(4) Pray to God so that they will accept you at first
(5) Apply for Adsense
God willing, they will approve your application at first attempt.
But if you are not, don't be discourage, continue to update
blog with original contents and apply again after sometimes.
Sure, you will get it.
Now you know how to get adsense account in both the easy
and the best way.
In the next training, I will teach you here how to make money
from your adsense account.


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